I'd have recommended HD UI textures and icons in the past, but 5.5 gave us 4k versions of those icons natively so we're good there now. That user does a good job at doing HD upscales of vanilla content. Personal recommendations for HD-related things are Faces Defined ( ), Hair Defined ( )), Eyeworks ( ) and NPC Defined ( ). But my recommendations will just be SFW-stuff, because rules and all. You can opt into NSFW stuff on those places if you want, I won't judge you. The two big mod repos are Nexus ( ) and XIVModArchive ( ). It's gotten a lot better in recent months and it's much rarer that you bork your install and have to start over. To use these you'll need to setup TexTools. Things like collectable tracking (Do you have this triple triad card already?), mouseover macro functionality, PvP-like combo systems, deleting Lalafell from the game, and much more. If not, it's a third party launcher that has support for community developed addons, some of which people have come to not live without. Basically Windower from XI if you played that game and remember it. Again, not too useful, but might be nice to have. Distance overlays, "real" cast bar times, that kind of stuff. Basically a JP-developed suite of nice-to-haves from ACT. Has mostly fallen out of favor as jobs are more streamlined these days, but you might find it useful. SpecialSpellTimers - WeakAuras for XIV, but it's a very manual process. Also has a pretty robust community repo of prebuilt things. Can do things like press buttons for you, or overlay graphics on your screen based on certain conditions (Basically WeakAuras). Triggernometry - Arbitrary code execution based on events that happen in the XIV battle log. Will start an argument in The Balance whenever you bring it up. Also has other useful plugins such as cause of death and Eureka plugin trackers. Follow this guide to set it up: Ĭactbot - Gives you DBM/BigWigs style warnings and timer bars in raid content. Everything else in this section is basically a layer on top of ACT. This is a big rabbit hole to go down! Here are the basics:ĪCT - The damage parser, first and foremost.